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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

NYG 2007

Is everybody in the Nebraksa District at the Rosen Plaza? Just wondering if they just decided to put people in hotels by district, and if they did, why did they ask us where we wanted to stay in the first place?

I am going down next week to take pics and map out where our group will be able to eat, which is actually my biggest worry.
Where the heck are we going to eat?!


Blogger Tara Brune said...

I'm at the Courtyard Marriott- Lake Beuna Vista #9 on our list and the most $$$$. What other churches are at your hotel? We decided that we are going to try something new to keep some of our food costs down. We are going to have parents take part of a shopping trip and bring those items- we will either ship them down there or pack them in extra pieces of luggage. Not sure how it will go- but our kids are cheap and will go without in order to save a dime. We are hoping that they will actually eat this time around. I'll let you know how we do. Is that your t-shirt design?

9:58 AM

Blogger Churchlady said...

Scotte, We are at the International Plaza Resort. It's pricey too, but we sort of planned for that when we set our budget.

Tara, we made a shopping list and one of the family groups took a taxi for a one-time trip to a grocery story (there's a Wal-Mart relatively close to the convention center.)

When you go to the store after you get there, you can also pick up anything that kids may have forgotten. We bought water and breakfast-type stuff. We had refrigerators in our rooms. And then people took lunch stuff with every day. It saved a lot of money and we only did one trip to the store.

4:32 PM


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